Marytianna Galo
Program Specialist, Portland Staff
Tianna currently resides in Portland, Oregon, and has lived in numerous places due to being a military brat and has called Oregon home since the mid-1990s. But in her heart, she calls Siumu, Upolu home. The experiences she brings to her role at SPDC include an extensive, eighteen-year work background in health care at Planned Parenthood, OHSU, Emanuel, and Good Samaritan (PDX hospitals) alongside 2 decades of community advocacy work in BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ spaces.
Her role as the Program Coordinator for Housing is to establish relationships rooted in mutuality, curiosity, and community collaborations that will connect community members with accessing and skilling up on how to navigate housing resources to increase housing stabilization for the Samoan and PI communities. My alofa for this work is grounded in this saying "E le tu fa'amauga se tagata- no one stands alone, no one succeeds alone and for me no one suffers alone" - The Late Fa'anānā Efeso Collins.