Student COVID Aid
SPDC would like to send a special thank you Kaiya Yonamine, Class of 2020 from Roosevelt High School in St. Johns North Portland. Kaiya was the recipient of the Prudential Spirit of the Community Award, a national award. Kaiya was awarded the opportunity to support a Non-Profit organization for COVID 19 relief work and choose the Pacific Climate Warriors PDX (who are fiscally sponsored by SPDC). We congratulate Kaiya! Fa’afetai tele lava Kaiya and we wish you the best as you continue your work at UH Manoa in the Fall.
Partnership with APANO for COVID AID
SPDC will be supporting families with gift card of $25 per person with a max of $200 per single family. Along side our partner APANO, our plan is to help those in need of affected by COVID-19. Looking to help those who may have lost their job, have unexpected bills and/or have fallen ill during these times. Together we were able to raise $7000 to help support our people. Our prayers and well-wishes are with everyone in these times. See our home page or click on the COVID 19 support button on May 6th to apply for this funding.
COVID 19 Testing
Along with our Oregon Pacific Islander Coalition, NARA and Multnomah County Public Health Department; SPDC was able to take part in a series of COVID 19 testing sites. Thank you to everyone who helped made those days possible. If needed, more testing sites will go up to support our communities.
Programs throughout the years..
Winter Celebration
Winter Social
Golf Tournament
Summer Camp
COVID Relief Efforts
Summer Retreat - Leadership Board
Combine Church Service (with our local Samoan Churches)
Pacific Islander Student Alliance Conference
Climate Strike
Grant Support for SVSG